Questions arising out of the content of this book


This book makes very clear statements about the destructive nature of the LaRouche organization and is based on the experiences of Aglaja Beyes- Corleis who had 16 years experience of living and working inside the group.


The question that it raises today concerns the failure of the German authorities to act on information that has for so long been available. 


This book together with all the other documentation and research projects round the world  re the LaRouche network raises an even bigger question: Why for so long and in so many States have the authorities failed to take action to protect and safeguard it’s citizens in respect of destructive cults?


When it is known that there are gangs of criminals attacking people in the streets then States take action to curtail their activities. The duty rests on States to protect human life -  - so why when there has been so much evidence about the deception, misinformation and destructive  methods and mental abuse of this organization are they allowed to continue without restraint? Does masquerading as a political organization allow it immunity? The destruction of social relationships, families, work and study aspirations of the young can no longer be ignored. The author of this book has recently stated on a BBC-TV Newsnight programme that there appears to have been little change in the LaRouche organization since the time when she left. This book therefore becomes a clear call to those in authority today to put under public scrutiny all cases of serious human rights abuses that exist in connection with destructive cults.   


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